
New Study: Alzheimer's & Aluminum Link Can No Longer Be Ignored |REALfarmacy.com | Healthy News and Information

... dementia, there are no good treatments once you have it—so you should be doing everything in your power to prevent it. One of the strategies is helping your body detoxify from metals, such as aluminum.
"We have provided preliminary evidence that over 12 weeks of silicon-rich mineral water therapy the body burden of aluminum fell in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and, concomitantly, cognitive performance showed clinically relevant improvements in at least 3 out of 15 individuals.”
-Melatonin: Research [sourcesourcesource] shows that melatonin has a metal binding role and is a useful supplement in the treatment of neurological disorders in which oxidative stress is involved, which includes Alzheimer’s. Melatonin can travel freely across all cellular barriers, facilitating the removal of toxic metals such as aluminum. It also appears to suppress the oxidative activity of aluminum in your brain.

-Anything that raises your glutathione. Your body synthesizes glutathione from three amino acids: cysteine, glutamate, and glycine. Raw fruits and vegetables, particularly avocado, asparagus, grapefruit, strawberries, orange, tomato, cantaloupe, broccoli, okra, peach, zucchini, and spinach are rich in the precursors glutamate and glycine. Dietary sources of cysteine include eggs, meat, red peppers, garlic, onions, Brussels sprouts, whey protein, and wheat germ. Other helpful treatments for improved glutathione metabolism include:

-Exercise: Exercise affects your adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels needed to help produce glutathione
-Optimizing your vitamin D levels through sun exposure: There’s some evidence vitamin D increases intracellular glutathione levels...


Foraging for wild food and medicinal plants - Chickweed Plant Profile | Permaculture Magazine

Foraging for wild food and medicinal plants - Chickweed Plant Profile | Permaculture Magazine
...Uses: This plant was one of the Victorian’s favourite salads, and I can’t blame them! The earthy succulence, and soft yet crisp textures, go really well in any salad. When we talk of foraging for alternatives to expensive, nitrate-soaked, plastic-packed salads - then this plant, which grows freely for us, screams out to be used!
Chickweed also has a long history of traditional uses as an emollient for the skin, helping cases of eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, boils, and abscesses. It can be administered through poultices, compresses, baths and through its consumption! Internally chickweed can be used for rheumatic and respiratory conditions, especially where excessive mucous is present....

Врабчови чревца - Wikipedia


Как да отстраним нежелани миризми в дома - domigradina.com

Как да отстраним нежелани миризми в дома - domigradina.com
Лесно ще почистите съдове, замирисали на мухъл или застояло, като разтворите в тях малко калиев хиперманганат. Оставете разтвора да престои няколко часа, след което изплакнете съдовете многократно със студена вода.
Всякакви неприятни миризми от едно помещение можете да отстраните като запалите върху жар плодове на хвойна.

How to Fix the One Mistake Most People Make When Cooking with Garlic - realfarmacy.com

Hummus - catholicfoodie.com

2. Patrick Whitefield: Diversity | Permaculture Magazine


DIY: Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar (using peels and cores)

Facebook - Grow Your Own Pumpkin:

Grow Your Own Pumpkin:
Open up the pumpkin, add a little soil and water, and watch the seeds (which are already inside the pumpkin) grow. 

Simple & Efficient Colon Cleanse Remedy Made With Only 2 Ingredients |REALfarmacy.com | Healthy News and Information

Ingesting 1-3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour per day, for three weeks, can work miracles! It will completely clean out all the mucus, fecal deposits, and parasites while fully maintaining the intestinal microflora!
Clean the intestine using this flax seed flour regimen – Instead of breakfast consume this mixture for 3 weeks:
-Week 1: 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour and 100 ml of kefir
-Week 2: 2 tablespoons of flaxseed flour and 100 ml of kefir
-Week 3: 3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour and 150 ml of kefir
If you can’t find any flaxseed flour in your local store, just buy some flaxseeds and grind them very finely. Never make more then what you need for your current serving. Flax seeds can become rancid very easily. Prepare a fresh portion every morning.
Consume this wonderful mixture instead of breakfast! Make sure you also consume at least 2 liters of water per day. You may obtain better results if you drink honey water as well!

Herbal Remedies and Natural Cures for Joint Pain |REALfarmacy.com | Healthy News and Information

This is What Happens When You Decide To Create Your Own Food Security |REALfarmacy.com | Healthy News and Information

Зелен | Актьорът Филип Аврамов вкарва "В крак с климата" Югозападна България - Dnevnik.bg

Зелен | Актьорът Филип Аврамов вкарва "В крак с климата" Югозападна България - Dnevnik.bg