
У През погледа на китайската медицина: Джиджифилът по-силен от женшена!


Употребява се корена на растението.

Енергия: гореща (Ян)



Предизвиква изпотяване

Засилва жизнените сили

Успокоява болката

Стимулира апетита и храносмилането


Препоръчва се при: главоболие, мигрена, морска болест, гадене, повръщане, виене на свят, умора, настинка, грип, висока температура, астма, ангина, болно гърло, гингивит, конвулсии, мускулни болки,  болки и спазми в корема, газове, лошо храносмилане, липса на апетит, затлъстяване, старчески петна по кожата, изгаряния, тромбофлебит, артрит, радикулит, контузии, малария, зависимост към наркотици.


Противопоказания: джинджифилът не трябва да се приема дълго време или в големи количества в случай на зачервени очи, пневмония, белодробна  туберкулоза, диабет,  сухота в устата, язва на стомаха, холецистит, камъни в жлъчката, нефрит, хемороиди, фурункули и карбункули.

Джинджифилът има изсушаващо действие и затова може да се влоши състоянието при синдром на патогенна сухота  (жажда, сухота, в устата, сухота в гърлото, суха кашлица, запек)











15.11.2020 23:29:29

През погледа на китайската медицина: Джиджифилът по-силен от женшена!

Джинджифил /Zingiberofficinale/

Синоними: исиот, зингибер, джинджър

Употребява се корена на растението.

Енергия: гореща (Ян)

Предизвиква изпотяване
Засилва жизнените сили
Успокоява болката
Стимулира апетита и храносмилането

Препоръчва се при: главоболие, мигрена, морска болест, гадене, повръщане, виене на свят, умора, настинка, грип, висока температура, астма, ангина, болно гърло, гингивит, конвулсии, мускулни болки,  болки и спазми в корема, газове, лошо храносмилане, липса на апетит, затлъстяване, старчески петна по кожата, изгаряния, тромбофлебит, артрит, радикулит, контузии, малария, зависимост към наркотици.

Противопоказания: джинджифилът не трябва да се приема дълго време или в големи количества в случай на зачервени очи, пневмония, белодробна  туберкулоза, диабет,  сухота в устата, язва на стомаха, холецистит, камъни в жлъчката, нефрит, хемороиди, фурункули и карбункули.

Джинджифилът има изсушаващо действие и затова може да се влоши състоянието при синдром на патогенна сухота  (жажда, сухота, в устата, сухота в гърлото, суха кашлица, запек)

Попитали веднъж 80 годишен будистки монах как така е все още с буйна черна коса и гладка детска кожа, а той отговорил: „От 40 години насам всеки ден взимам по малко джинджифил и затова не изглеждам стар.“

Китайски специалисти по лечебното хранене  твърдят, че съществуват пет вида храни за добро здраве, които е препоръчително да приемаме ежедневно:

Пчелен мед – за пречистване на отровите и укрепване на имунитета;

Пресен джинджифил – сутрин на закуска, за подобряване на храносмилането;

Фъстъци – богати на аминокиселини, укрепват паметта, регулират кръвното, допринасят за дълголетие

Плодове от хинап – съкровищница на витамини от природата

Чесън – антивирусни свойства, предпазва от грип, тумори и други патогени.



!!!Как горничные в санатории вытирают пыль


Главное правило противопылевого спрея – создать антистатический эффект на поверхности.

Наши горничные для этого использовали обыкновенный яблочный уксус. На литр теплой воды добавляли 200 мл. Подойдет и самый обычный 9-процентный, но у яблочного аромат приятнее.

Готовый состав переливаем в бутыль с пульверизатором, наносим на поверхность и вытираем чистой мягкой тряпочкой. Обязательно попробуйте этот метод, ощущение такое, что после уборки даже воздух в доме стал чище.

Соль и глицерин

Если при упоминании глицерина на вашем лице появилось скептическое выражение, значит, вы наверняка пытались применить его для уборки, но сделали это неправильно.

На три литра воды добавляем 1 ст.л. глицерина и столько же соли. Вытираем этим раствором поверхности. Эффект после такой уборки потрясающий. Этот состав можно использовать для мытья пола. Тогда концентрацию глицерина и соли можно слегка уменьшить. Указанный объем добавляем на каждые пять литров воды.


Это самый простой вариант. Распылите на чистые поверхности обыкновенный антистатик и натрите их. Вы увидите, что пыль на них будет накапливаться значительно медленнее.


FB You can grow in containers...



It's June 7th, and beautiful weather out there, though we have gotten quite a bit of rain recently. Just to let you know, everyone can grow in containers, even if you live in an apartment or condo, or if you have gotten off to a late start. You can also grow vegetables and herbs in containers indoors during the Winter, and have those fresh salads you always crave.

Please Plant a Garden. If you don't have a big yard, or any yard at all, you can still plant in containers. I feel now more than ever that we will need to grow Home Gardens, and be able to help Feed our Families. We are in a very uncertain time in our Countries history, and we need to be prepared.

There are several types of containers that can be used for growing vegetables including polyethylene plastic bags, clay pots, plastic pots, metallic pots, milk jugs, ice cream containers, bushel baskets, barrels, and planter boxes. It is important to use containers that can accommodate roots of the vegetables you want to grow as the vegetables vary in sizes and rooting depths.

The container needs to have good drainage, and should not contain chemicals that are toxic to plants and human beings. Most vegetables grown in backyard gardens can be grown in containers, although a container's diameter and depth needs to be considered when selecting what vegetables to grow. The plant density (number of vegetable plants per container) depends on individual plant space requirements, and rooting depth.

It's best to use one of the potting mixes in vegetable container gardening as they are light, disease-free, weed seed-free, and have good drainage. Some potting mixes have pre-mixed plant nutrients, so read the information on the label about how long the pre-mix will feed your plants before you start applying fertilizers. You can also make your own two bushels of potting mix using the following recipe: Shredded sphagnum peat moss (1 bushel), Vermiculite (1 bushel), Ground limestone (1¼ cups), Phosphate fertilizer either 0-20-0 (½ cup) or 0-45-0 (¼ cup), Slow release granular fertilizer such as 5-10-5 (1 cup).

Container-grown plants require more frequent fertilization than field-grown plants because of the limited space within the container for drawing nutrients. Fertilizers can be mixed with the soil mix before filling the container and can also be applied as a nutrient solution. Nutrient solutions can be made by dissolving soluble fertilizer such as 10-20-10, 12-24-12 or 8-16-8 in water following label directions. The nutrient solution is applied once a day when the plants are watered. How often you water may vary with vegetables, but once a day is adequate.

Leach the unused fertilizer nutrients from the potting mix once a week by applying tap water only. It is also very important to water occasionally with a nutrient solution containing micro nutrients such as copper, zinc, boron, manganese, and iron and follow label directions in order to give plants the right amounts.

Plants grown in containers need frequent watering as the containers dry fast. Watering on a daily basis is necessary to provide adequate moisture for plant growth. Apply enough water to reach the bottom of the container. Allow the excess to drain out through drainage holes. Avoid wetting the leaves when watering as this will encourage development of foliar disease. Try not to allow the containers to dry out completely between watering as this will lead to flower and fruit drop. Do not over water the plants as the container will be waterlogged and the roots will lack oxygen leading to poor growth and eventually, perhaps, the plant's death.

The size of the containers needed will depend a lot on the vegetable or herbs you are planting. Most Herbs can be planted in 1/2 - 1 gallon containers. Cabbages, Cucumbers, Green Beans, Leaf Lettuce, Spinach, Swiss Chard, and Cherry Tomatoes can be planted in 1 gallon containers. Beets, Carrots, Eggplants, Peppers and Radishes need 2 gallon containers. Your regular tomatoes will need 3 gallon containers. (great info from the University of Illinois Extension)

When you need some great Non GMO Heirloom Seeds for your containers, please visit our THE SEED GUY website. We have a great 60 Variety Heirloom Seed package with SALE Pricing Now at $79, with 34,000 Seeds, and fresh from the New Fall 2022 Harvest--) https://theseedguy.net/seed-packages/50-60-variety-heirloom-seed-package.html and we still hand count and package our Seed varieties, like the old days, so you get the best germination.

We also have 8 other Heirloom Seed packages, in different sizes, and also all our individual varieties in Stock Now on our Seed Guy website. https://theseedguy.net/15-seed-packages

You can also Call Us 7 days a week, and up to 10:00 pm each night, at 918-352-8800 if you would rather Order By Phone.

If you LIKE US on our Facebook page, you will be on our list for more great Gardening Articles, new Heirloom Seed Offers, and healthy Juice Recipes. https://www.facebook.com/theseedguy/ Thank you, and God Bless You and Your Family. :)"


Best way to kill ticks in your yard – 5 effective methods to stop an infestation



Nematodes can be used to tackle several different pests in your yard, from natural slug control to getting rid of lawn grubs. These beneficial microscopic worms will feast on tick larvae before they hatch, stopping the spread of an infestation, explains Zahid Adan, gardener at The Plant Bible. You can get beneficial nematodes at Walmart, and these are safe for humans, pets, and pollinators too. They're the perfect natural control measure, especially considering that ticks can lay thousands of eggs at a time. 


Although we largely encourage the planting of wildlife gardens and full borders, ticks thrive in these dense, covered environments. If you live in an area with Best way to kill ticks in your yard – 5 effective methods to stop an infestation lot of ticks, then a hostile border with stones, dirt, or wood chips in full sun creates a dry barren section that ticks are unable to traverse. 

This is good for around your yard to prevent ticks coming in in the first place, suggests Jim McHale, entomologist, and CEO of JP McHale Pest Management. ‘Create a 3 foot barrier using wood chips or gravel around the perimeter of your yard to keep ticks out. Ticks prefer cool, moist areas, so trimming large bushes, trees, and shrubs allows for more direct sunlight in your yard, making it a less hospitable environment for them. 

‘You can also consider a fence around your backyard that is tall enough to keep out deer and other animals that carry ticks."