
Swarming in natural beekeeping: what to do?


Look what we found in the garden today... a Honeybee Swarm. First, one with our 'Ura Gora' neighbours and now in this wild cherry.

Swarming is a natural process for honeybees. It's a sign of a strong colony that is getting full and splits off, taking the old queen and a band of bees with full honey stomachs in search of a new home. They settle on a tree usually and regroup, either near or further away from their original home. From here they send out scouts to search for a new place to settle.
We have many colonies that volunteer themselves and move into empty hives, some fly out and far away instantly. And some like this one settle on a nearby tree.
Many beekeepers try to stop this process, with many manipulations, but we practice natural beekeeping and usually just give the bees enough space in their hives to be comfortable and let them leave if they decide to. It's a way of mixing genetics to keep a healthy population.
Some of the swarms we catch will invariably be from our neighbours or nearby villages.
It's beautiful to watch them in this formation, they are very calm and gentle as they cluster around their queen. I've even stroked them gently, like a cat.

#honeybeeswarm #beeswarm #naturalbeekeeping #barefootbeekeeping #permaculturelife #permaculture

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