


It's the third week of March, and most of you are planning your Spring Gardens, while some have started them already. If you are missing those fresh salads, don't fret, because Micro-greens can be grown indoors anytime of the year? If you like to have fresh salads year round, you can start some fresh Micro-Greens right now inside, and grow them for salads until your Garden starts producing for you. They are very tasty, and researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the University of Maryland found that leaves from Micro-greens actually have more nutrients than the full sized plants.

Nutrients vary by plant but most include large amounts of vitamins C and E and beta carotene. Researchers found that Cabbage contains the highest amount of vitamin C, Radish Micro-greens the most vitamin E, and Cilantro or Coriander Micro-greens contain three times more beta-carotene than mature plants. Overall, the more colorful the Veggie, the more nutrients it contains.

Beet Greens
Collard Greens
Radish greens
Swiss Chard

You can buy a Micro-greens kit, or can start from scratch and do yourself. If you choose to do it yourself, you will need reusable or disposable plastic food containers. You can use your Tupperware containers, containers that blueberries or strawberries are sold in, or you can buy plastic grow containers from one of the Home Garden stores.

Next--Create drainage holes, fill with Seed-starting mix, and then your choice of Heirloom Seeds. (THE SEED GUY has a great 60 Variety Heirloom Seed package listed below with all the top Micro-green varieties, plus many more Seed varieties for your Garden). Sprinkle an extra layer of mix over the seeds, and mist with a spray bottle. You’ll want to water whenever the soil looks dry (at least daily) and provide sunlight.

Micro-greens are meant to be harvested when small, about 1-3 inches tall. You’ll want to harvest when you see a second set of leaves appear. Just snip with scissors above the soil level, or you can pull up entire clumps of greens (you cannot harvest more than once). If you want to grow more, then leave the old roots in place and scatter additional seeds.

You could grow Micro-greens, on a weekly basis, for your salads, and then when it was time to plant your seedlings, you would have many of them you could divert to your Garden.

Please visit our THE SEED GUY website when you get the chance. We have a great 60 variety Heirloom Seed package that has 33,000 Seeds, Non GMO, and all Seeds are fresh from the New 2021 Harvest. We still hand count and package our Seed varieties, like the old days, so you get the best germination. https://theseedguy.net/seed-packages/50-60-variety-heirloom-seed-package.html ;


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