
Laundry expert shares six ways to keep clothes fresh without washing - including vinegar


 1. Deodorise with white vinegar spray

The laundry expert explained: “A white vinegar spray works wonders at deodorising clothes - it also works well for shoes that may be starting to smell.

“Mix 150ml of white vinegar with 150ml of water and use a spray bottle to spritz the items in question. The acidic smell of vinegar will fade as your clothes dry, leaving your garments looking brand new.”

White vinegar ... can also be used to clean appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers, making it a great all rounder.

2. Revive dull fabrics with salt

Deyan said: “If your clothes are looking faded in colour, soak them in a bucket of cold water with four tablespoons of salt.

“This will work to remove any build-up of dirt and grime that may have caused your garments to look a little lacklustre.”

3. Remove musty smells with essential oils

According to the expert, Britons can remove any lingering smells by hanging their clothes outside on a washing line, if the weather permits.

This will allow the fresh air to do its work, and if there is sun, it will naturally kill bacteria as well as help to eliminate any odours.

The laundry pro added: “If your clothes still smell mildewed, try using essential oils. Pick your preferred essential oil scent and mix a few drops with water to dilute its potency, before spraying them with this solution.”

4. Remove creases with a DIY lifting spray

In a spray bottle, mix together eight parts water, one part fabric softener and one part rubbing alcohol and give it a good mix before using.In a spray bottle, mix together eight parts water, one part fabric softener and one part rubbing alcohol and give it a good mix before using.

The expert added: “After covering them in a light mist, use clean hands to rub down the creases. Your clothes will be left

The expert added: “After covering them in a light mist, use clean hands to rub down the creases. Your clothes will be left

5. Make your own stain remover

“For any deeply embedded stains (such as grass, ketchup and mud) try a DIY stain remover paste. For this, you’ll need two thirds of a cup baking soda and half a cupAccording to the expert, Britons can remove any lingering smells by hanging their clothes outside on a washing line, if the weather permits.

“Mix these together in a dish and apply the paste onto the stain, working it into the fabric with a damp cloth. After waiting for five minutes, rinse the item with cold water, and the stain will disappear.

“For tougher stains, leave the paste on your clothing for slightly longer (anywhere between 10 to 20 minutes), as this will ensure it penetrates the fibres of the fabric.”

6. Polish shoes with a small brush

Sometimes, shoes may need to be put in the washing machine, especially during the winter months when it is muddy outside

Instead, a cheaper alternative is to use a toothbrush and some soapy water. According to the expert, this will “revive” your shoes and cut down their drying time.

Deyan said: “If your shoes seem slightly misshapen in the process, fill them with scrunched up newspaper and leave them overnight to revert to their original shape. 

“It’s far more cost effective than dedicating a wash to one lonesome pair of shoes. However, be sure to avoid trying this hack out on genuine leather shoes as it could damage them. 

“Instead, opt for a specialist leather cleaner and buff this into their surfaces with a dry cloth.”

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